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Nimra Hooda


Nimra is a Health Sciences student at McMaster University and an experienced speech and debate competitor. She understands the power public speaking has to build academic and interpersonal skills as well as boost confidence and aims to make these benefits accessible to all students.

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Areej Shaikh

VP Classroom

Areej is an active member of the speech and debate community, with over 6 years of experience competing and coaching. She joined SpeechDojo because she believes that public speaking skills have a large role in empowering youth to achieve their goals, and that public speaking instruction should be made more accessible to everyone. Areej is currently pursuing a Bachelors of Science from the University of Alberta.

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Sara Mah

VP Online

Sara has over 5 years experience in competitive debate and currently pursuing her Bachelors of Commerce from the University of Alberta. She has a passion for communicating ideas and helping others reach new milestones on their public speaking journey.

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Victoria Zhou

VP Marketing

Vicky joined the team to help initiate the development of SpeechDojo’s social media presence. She believes that everyone should have an equal opportunity to access public speaking education and that social media is the fastest way to reach the most people. Vicky is currently at the University of Toronto studying Biomedical Engineering.

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Josh Karathra

VP Technology

Josh joined SpeechDojo with a vision to improve public discourse and support disadvantaged communities. He has been actively involved on the Canadian Speech and Debate scene over the last five years and is studying at the University of Toronto. Through his experiences as both a coach and a competitor, he strives to empower others to conquer the art of public speaking.

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